Arcadia First Chinese School






1.中文課:提供簡體、繁體,根據學生程度分班             教學。選用貼近生活,詼諧有趣的教材,小班互動式教學。





Would you like your child to have a happy and fulfilling summer? Join our summer camp! We offer a rich variety of courses and activities:

1. Chinese Classes: Classes are divided based on students' proficiency levels, offering both simplified and traditional Chinese teaching. We use lively and humorous teaching materials, and conduct classes in small interactive groups.

2. Elective Talent Classes: Various options such as art, origami, calligraphy, children's painting, clay, mental arithmetic, and more.

3. English, Math, and Science Courses: Comprehensive improvement in all subjects to lay a solid foundation for the new school year.

We use a lively and engaging teaching method to make learning enjoyable and easy for children. The First Chinese School is your best choice! Sign up now!

Registration Form 報名表格下載

English Form

Chinese Form